Today, the Osceola School District celebrated receiving a one million dollar grant to offer the STAR Academy Curriculum over the next three years in the Choices Learning Center Academy.
Today the students, school district, and community leaders celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
Principal Smith of Choices Learning Center shared, “Today, we are celebrating raising the bar for educational innovation. Most middle and high school students are interested in a non-traditional classroom setting that teaches them how to apply Math, Science, and Social studies in their everyday lives. “
During the 2022-2023 school year, Choices Learning Center rolled out the STAR Academy curriculum and now believes this curriculum has not only inspired students to learn but has built the skills needed in the workforce.
“We want students to have the opportunity to select their High school based upon how they want to learn”, says Principal Smith.
The Osceola School District has received a one million dollar grant to offer the STAR Academy Curriculum over the next three years.
During the ceremony, Dr. Toriano Green, Superintendent of Osceola School District shared “We are thrilled to introduce our most recent collaboration with STAR Academy, which will make us one of the first school districts to roll out this curriculum.” Osceola’s School District was one of the nine districts selected by Workforce Development to receive this grant. This grant will allow Choices Learning Center to receive all the instruction, resources, and ongoing support required to incorporate this model into their educational system.
“Some students need a different approach, and we think that we have an opportunity with Star Academy in the Osceola School District to offer a different way of teaching and learning,” explained Dr. Green. “Star Academy allows our students to thrive in an environment that focuses on a hands-on approach and allows for more one-to-one teacher interactions.”
The instructional program Star Academy is based in New Orleans, Louisiana, to assist teachers in addressing the following goals:1. Lowering the rate of student dropouts 2. Recognizing & Meeting the Needs of Students Who Are At Risk 3. Integrating personal accountability into formal education using science, math, English language arts, and social studies as the main subjects covered in the curriculum. Students will also be exposed to career pathways that pique their interest and inspire hope for the future.
The CLE teaching administration is applauded for this achievement by the Osceola School District, which is proud of all of their accomplishments. We are confident that this grant will aid Osceola in developing both as a town and as a district.
Written By: Brittany Hall, OSD PR & Communications
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Release Date: April 4, 2023 at 2:42pm